Sunday, March 29, 2009

103 Days to go: First Post

This is my first post. This is me a few weeks ago with the wedding dress on. I'm renting it and I hope to look amazing....but more than that, feel amazing.I suppose it's misleading with the title...but I actually have 103 days until the "big day".
What am I doing? Why can't I just stop eating so much? Make better choices?
I have been trapped in this vortex of dieting and losing and gaining for so long....since I was 9 years old. I am not even sure what my life would be like without this nemesis. My largness, my weight issue, provides me with something. I get that part. I get something out of this or I wouldn't continue the cycle.
I know to simply "eat less, move more" but
instead, day after day, I wake up with the best intentions. My Weight Watcher food tracker at my side. A positive quote and a smiley face scrawled on the page.
But by afternoon or evening, I gorge. I eat until the point of physical pain. It's like a light switch that I unconsciously switch off....allowing my fingers to scoop up food without my mind throwing a fit. My heart breaks but my mouth keeps plowing through.
I am off to Weight Watchers for my first meeting since my new "100 day" focus.

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