Thursday, April 9, 2009

How it's done (or not)....

Okay, I haven't been great about writing down my points I'll do it here.

This is a fairly typical day in which I start off strong, then by afternoon, inhale the planet on a plate (or with just my fingers).

I operate under the mentality that if I keep slicing the pumpkin pie in little slivers that it doesn't count that I'm eating it.

So, here's the juice:
2-1/2 cup oatmeal
1-1 tbsp. blackstrap molasses
2-1 banana
1-1 orange
1-1 apple
4-1 sandwich (2 1 pt. breads and 1 low-fat slice of cheese)
6-2 servings of carrot/dill soup
2-2 chunks of bread (homemade at friend's house)
1-1 tbsp almond milk in tea
5-1 slice of pumpkin pie
2-2 pieces of toast
4-2 eggs

and the math on all of those points (at the left) is........ 32 points. I exercised at a high-level of intensity for 5 points....which means I'm at 27 points....3 points over for the day. I haven't even technically had dinner but I have no points. Sucks for me.

Looks like it is another night of tea and tea and water and tea.

ARRRGHHHHHHHHHHH.....can I just learn to save some points for dinner??????

I am so hungry....or do I just think I have to eat at 8pm? Maybe that's it. I am not hungry; I am not hungry.

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